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Suvarnabhumi Intl Airport (VTBS)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's

METAR for:VTBS (Bangkok/Suvarnabhumi Arpt, 20, TH)
Text:VTBS 031630Z 32005KT 9999 FEW020 29/21 Q1010 NOSIG
Conditions at:1630 UTC 03 Dec 2024
Temperature: 29.0°C ( 84°F)
Dewpoint: 21.0°C ( 70°F) [RH = 62%]
Pressure (altimeter):29.82 inches Hg (1010.0 mb)
Winds:from the NW (320 degrees) at 6 MPH (5 knots; 2.6 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:few clouds at 2000 feet AGL
TAF for:VTBS (Bangkok/Suvarnabhumi Arpt, 20, TH) issued at 1100 UTC 03 Dec 2024
Text:TAF VTBS 031100Z 0312/0418 01005KT 9999 FEW030
Forecast period:1200 UTC 03 December 2024 to 0000 UTC 04 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the N (10 degrees) at 6 MPH (5 knots; 2.6 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:few clouds at 3000 feet AGL
Text:BECMG 0400/0402 07008KT
Forecast period:0000 to 1800 UTC 04 December 2024
Forecast type:BECOMING: Conditions expected to become as follows by 0200 UTC 04 December 2024
Winds:from the ENE (70 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 knots; 4.1 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:few clouds at 3000 feet AGL

Live Departures & Arrivals

There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.

Departures History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Dest. Aircraft Date
TNT 44 EBLG FEDEX-B77F 2024-11-03 00:00:00
FX613 ZGGG FEDEX-B77F 2024-10-01 00:00:00
FX 1171 VVNB IF-LIVERY-... 2024-09-23 00:00:00
FX613 ZGGG FEDEX-B77F 2024-08-28 00:00:00
FX613 ZGGG FEDEX-B77F 2024-07-13 00:00:00
CONNECT 562 ZGGG FEDEX-B77F 2024-03-20 00:00:00
FX ATC VTBS IFATC 2024-02-14 00:00:00
FX CTR TSSY FEDEX-B77F 2024-01-25 00:00:00
FX WINTER 40 RPLL B752 2024-01-10 00:00:00
FX WINTER 40 RPLL B752 2024-01-06 00:00:00
FX WINTER 40 RPLL B752 2024-01-06 00:00:00
FX CTR KJFK B77F 2024-01-05 00:00:00
FX WINTER 40 RPLL B752 2023-12-31 00:00:00
FX WINTER 40 RPLL B752 2023-12-27 00:00:00
FX WINTER 40 RPLL B752 2023-12-24 00:00:00
FX WINTER 40 RPLL B752 2023-12-10 00:00:00
FX WINTER 40 RPLL B752 2023-12-07 00:00:00

Arrivals History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Origin Aircraft Date
FX 981 WIII FEDEX-B77F 2024-11-02 00:00:00
FX981 WIII GENERIC-B7... 2024-09-28 00:00:00
FX612 ZGGG FEDEX-B77F 2024-09-24 00:00:00
FX1037 WSSS IF-LIVERY-... 2024-09-21 00:00:00
FX 612 ZGGG FEDEX-B77F 2024-07-30 00:00:00
FX 1037 WSSS IF-LIVERY-... 2024-03-09 00:00:00
FX ATC VTBS IFATC 2024-02-14 00:00:00
FX CTR LFPG FEDEX-B77F 2024-01-24 00:00:00
FX WINTER 39 VHHX DC10F 2024-01-09 00:00:00
FX WINTER 39 VHHX DC10F 2024-01-05 00:00:00
FX WINTER 39 VHHX DC10F 2024-01-05 00:00:00
FX WINTER 39 VHHX DC10F 2023-12-30 00:00:00
FX WINTER 39 VHHX DC10F 2023-12-26 00:00:00
FX WINTER 39 VHHX DC10F 2023-12-24 00:00:00
FX CTR WSSS B77F 2023-12-22 00:00:00
FX CTR WSSS B77F 2023-12-22 00:00:00
FX WINTER 39 VHHX DC10F 2023-12-10 00:00:00
FX WINTER 39 VHHX DC10F 2023-12-07 00:00:00

Runway Information (Airport elevation: 4ft)

Runway 01L Length 12,138ft Width 193ft Elevation 4ft Surface Asphalt Heading 14
Runway 01R Length 13,125ft Width 192ft Elevation 4ft Surface Asphalt Heading 14
Runway 19L Length 13,125ft Width 192ft Elevation 4ft Surface Asphalt Heading 194
Runway 19R Length 12,138ft Width 193ft Elevation 4ft Surface Asphalt Heading 194

Airport Frequencies

Type APP/DEP Frequency 119.100 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 120.300 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 122.350 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 124.350 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 125.200 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 125.800 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 133.400 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 121.100 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 126.300 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 127.650 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 133.600 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 125.800 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 128.700 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 133.800 Mhz
Type D Frequency 119.250 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.650 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.750 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.950 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 118.200 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 119.000 Mhz

Airport Navaids

Type VOR-DME Ident SVB Frequency 111400 Khz